How to

Open a restaurant?

... without having to rewrite your business plan over and over again, without getting lost in the mass of contradictory information, even if you have no previous experience?

Ever dreamed of opening your own restaurant?

whether you're an engineer, a secretary, an investor or already in the restaurant business. But are you aware of the challenges?

of independent restaurants go bankrupt within the first 3 years - The Globe and Mail
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How can you avoid becoming part of this alarming statistic, especially if you've never set foot in this industry before?

Without a strong business plan

the doors to funding close.

You risk seeing your project evaporate, and your investment go down the drain. Your nights are full of questions: where to start? How do you structure your idea? How to reassure bankers and investors?

A remarkable fact!

of independent restaurants do not survive their first 3 years
0 %
of our customers are still open and thriving after 3 years of operation!
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How can this be?

With us, you benefit from over 30 years of experience and recognized expertise that goes far beyond a simple business plan. We turn your passion into a thriving business, offering you the structure, support and catering-specific skills you're looking for.


The Quebec Restaurant Entrepreneurship Centre

Founded by Philippe Bertrand, a renowned expert with over 30 years' experience in the restaurant business, CDER Québec is your essential partner in making your restaurant dream come true. 

Whether you want to open a café, a restaurant or any other concept, immerse yourself in our expertise and let passion be your guide. Learn more about our mission, Philippe's experience and his unwavering dedication to your success.

our services

Turnkey business plan

An expert will write a professional and convincing business plan for you.


Support from the design stage to the opening of your restaurant.


Get advice tailored to your specific needs.


A tool for developing your business plan, enriched with expert advice and access to exclusive documents.

A few words from our customers

Our projects

We helped them succeed!

Antipode café

Mathieu had just arrived in Quebec and wanted to create his own restaurant concept as quickly as possible. His idea was to create a café-bistro concept open from early morning until late evening.

Le Virunga

Maria was an expert in African cuisine. A native of the Congo herself, she wanted above all to succeed in opening her own restaurant, focusing on recipes found nowhere else. She decided to meet me.

Frequently asked questions

There are many good reasons to open a restaurant. These can include a taste for entrepreneurship and starting your own business. A culinary passion for a specific gastronomic theme. An appreciation of gastronomy in general. The notion of sharing and pleasing one’s guests. Of course, there’s the financial potential of the project, thanks to an idea you have in mind.

*It’s important to note that opening and running a restaurant requires considerable financial investment, time and effort. Before taking the plunge, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research, create a solid business plan, enlist the help of a specialist in the field, and consider the potential challenges associated with the restaurant industry.

Choosing a partner always requires careful thought. There are several possibilities. You may choose a financial partner. He or she will invest the funds needed to open your restaurant. Or you could opt for family. Members of your family become partners in your project. Then there’s the partnership with your future chef. He or she can invest and become even more involved in the project. Partnering with one or more of your suppliers could also be an interesting option. *It’s essential to choose the type of partnership that best matches the restaurant’s objectives and the skills of the partners involved.

You’ll need to define your café’s guiding principles. Choose the right location for the type of coffee you’ll be marketing. Work on your business plan, identifying your targets and competitors, and making sure you carry out thorough market research. A café is also a unique place. Design will play a major role in the success of your future café. You’ll need to ask yourself several questions about the type of beverage: is my coffee organic? Is it certified? Is it 100% Arabica or other? Where does my coffee come from? Answering all these questions will define the personality of your coffee.

That’s an excellent question. A cooking and gastronomy enthusiast. A high school or university graduate. A chef with some experience. An investor interested in this industry sector and bringing a breath of fresh air. It could be two business partners with certain professional complementarities who want to realize their restaurant project. However, experience in this sector does not always mean success. It’s important to note that opening and running a restaurant requires specific skills. Don’t hesitate to call on a professional.

To open a restaurant in Quebec, you need to know the market in which you want to operate. You’ll need to draw up a detailed business plan. You’ll need to find out about the consumption habits of your target market. You’ll need to choose a legal structure based on the company’s statutes and rules. Familiarize yourself with the market to find the right location. Find out about local suppliers. As you can see, you can’t improvise an opening in a market you don’t master. Don’t hesitate to call in a professional to help you with the process.

The world of fast food is highly competitive. You have to stand out from the crowd. How do you do that? First of all, by carrying out an in-depth market analysis to check whether there is a real demand. This will determine your choice of concept. What type of fast-food? You’ll then draw up your business plan, define your location, opt for the marketing strategies
You’ll then draw up your business plan, define your location, opt for the marketing strategies best suited to your concept, design the layout and, above all, the practical aspects of the service. At the time of opening, you’ll ensure optimal follow-up to immediately rectify any financial performance or customer feedback.
customer feedback.

* Opening a fast-food restaurant takes time, effort and financial investment, but with careful planning, management skills and well-orchestrated execution, you can create a popular place where people will come to enjoy your delicious fast food.

There are several. The first is to have the soul of an entrepreneur. A restaurant is first and foremost a business. You need to have a sense of planning and management. These two skills are essential when it comes to managing stocks and supplies, and planning your menu. Customer service skills. If you don’t like dealing with people, this isn’t the job for you. Of course, there’s staff management. It’s important to know how to coordinate the various departments to ensure quality service. The other aspect concerns your ability to solve problems and, above all, how you
manage stress.

*As you can see, opening a restaurant requires much more than culinary skills. It requires a combination of management, customer service, marketing, personnel management and problem-solving skills. A passion for food and the culinary experience is the starting point, but it’s mastering these diverse skills that will lead to success in the demanding world of the restaurant business.

It’s possible to open a restaurant without any formal qualifications, but it does require a great deal of careful preparation. From now on, you need to devote yourself to training and learning. It would be wise to surround yourself with people to help you open your restaurant. There are certain management principles you’ll need to know. You’ll need to develop your customer service skills. You’ll need to draw up a business plan to validate the idea of your project, but above all its financial viability. This will enable you to present it to financial institutions or potential investors. For culinary production, there’s nothing to stop you teaming up with a chef. * Opening a restaurant without a diploma is possible, but it requires a combination of passion for the craft, a certain commitment on your part, surrounding yourself with the right people and continuous learning, even after your restaurant has opened. With a thoughtful approach and the will to succeed, you can create a successful restaurant and offer an exceptional culinary experience to all your customers.

We haven't answered all your questions?


Tips for financing, opening and growing your restaurant

Find out how to create a successful business plan for your restaurant. From concept to financial planning, this article guides you through each key step to maximize your chances of success.
Choosing a location for a restaurant requires careful consideration of demographics, visibility, competition and costs. The facade and growth of the zone are also key.
Success in the restaurant business requires rigorous competitive analysis. This article guides you through the key steps: identifying competitors, analyzing supply and demand, using online reviews and adapting marketing strategies. Be proactive and adapt to stand out from the crowd.

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