Le Verdun Beach

An atypical wine bistro

The objective was to create the first neighborhood bistro concept in the chosen location. Charles contacted me to help him realize and create the restaurant concept that was close to his heart. Charles has opted for the “Consultation a la carte” service.

Wines with tradition

The idea was to create a very convivial place, with a seasonal menu, a specialized wine list and event organization. The other factor was to create a neighborhood bistro that would become a reference in the chosen location. A search was carried out for a neighborhood that could accommodate this type of restaurant concept. Once the premises were found, the lease was negotiated. We completed his business and financial plans. We succeeded in obtaining financing for the creation of the bistro.

A success story

The conclusion is that Charles and his associates’ bistro has become a very popular venue. With its success, the bistro has been expanded, and financial forecasts have exceeded our expectations.